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  • Uncrowned Guard
    Uncrowned Guard

    Sony's $400 Million Concord Catastrophe: A Lesson in Misguided Ambition

      TL;DR: Sony's $400 million investment in the failed game Concord has resulted in enormous financial losses, with $200 million spent before reaching alpha stage and another $200 million spent until its 2024 launch. Despite attempts to salvage the project, including outsourcing development, key components like onboarding and monetization were neglected. Intended to transform PlayStation's future, Concord was plagued by an overly optimistic internal culture that stifled dissenting opinions. The project's unfounded ambitions and mishandling have called into question the leadership's judgment, likely leading to significant personnel changes and establishing Concord as Sony's most expensive and disastrous gaming endeavor.

    Financial Fallout from Sony's Concord

    From the onset, industry insiders predicted that Sony's colossal investment in doomed game Concord would result in significant financial losses. Insights, divulged by a former Concord developer and discussed by Sacred Symbols’ Colin Moriarty, suggest that the monetary blow experienced by the corporation exceeded initial speculation. Estimates place the game's budget at a staggering $400 million, divided between institutional and Sony contributions. An unprecedented $200 million is said to have been expended prior to the game reaching alpha stage, with Sony forking over an additional $200 million between 2021 and the 2024 launch. As the game was deemed horrifically below par at the alpha presentation, additional funds were funneled to reach a barely acceptable level. In an effort to salvage the project, Sony outsourced a good portion of the development work, further exacerbating the game's budget. By 2023, significant in-game components such as onboarding and monetization had received negligible attention. The continued upkeep for Concord's live state is expected to run to millions per month, further compounding the loss. Concord is, to date, the most expensive game project undertaken by Sony, and correspondingly, the most disastrous.

    Misplaced Zeal for a Disastrous Project

    Why Sony invested so heavily in a failing project is perhaps as concerning as the monetary loss itself. Originally touted as "the future of PlayStation", Concord was envisaged to transfigure into a grandiose, Star Wars-like multimedia extravaganza. This ambition encompassed both cinematic possibilities and potential ties with platforms such as Amazon's Secret Level. Within the creative process, however, an unhealthily optimistic culture reportedly reigned. Internally, it was unacceptable to express doubts concerning the project's prospects or critique character designs. Deviations from the project's course were likewise shut down. The decision to forge ahead appears to have been driven primarily by Sony Interactive's CEO, Herman Hulst, one of the game's most fervent supporters.

    A Catastrophic Misfire in Game Development

    The particulars surrounding Concord's downfall read as puzzling, even allowing for the substantial budget. Many are finding it difficult to fathom how Sony, after detecting fatal design flaws at the alpha stage and frantically scattering development work among other studios, could have still regarded the game as “PlayStation’s future." The lofty aspiration of creating a project to rival Star Wars does not, in itself, seem unreasonable. Bungie's Destiny had identical ambitions, and a longevity spanning ten years to its credit, a stark contrast to Concord's short-lived two-week lifespan. The term “toxic positivity” appears to encapsulate the mindset that cultivated this belief system, the environment in which dissenting opinions were swiftly silenced, irrespective of their soundness. This unquestioning faith in a flawed project raises serious questions about the leadership's astuteness - the level of blind optimism demonstrated could be seen as grounds for role review. The resignation of the Firewalk team's head and the likely dissolution of the remaining team seem imminent. Sony's misadventure with Concord is likely to be enshrined in history as one of the most costly gaming fiascos leading to calls for accountability, rather than blaming on the rank-and-file workers.

    Image Credit: Firewalk Studios

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