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  • Uncrowned Guard
    Uncrowned Guard

    Rainbow Six: Ubisoft's Frosty Free-For-All Holiday Event Unleashed

      TL;DR: Ubisoft's "Freeze For All Permafrost" event in Rainbow Six Siege introduces an action-packed 8-player free-for-all mode on the revamped Arctic Workshop map, with unlimited respawns and unique "Frozen Souls" collection mechanics. Players can earn a multitude of festive rewards, including free cosmetic packs and exclusive bundles available through gameplay challenges and Twitch drops. This holiday event offers both familiarity and innovation, creating an engaging experience for players, while anticipation builds for a potential new Rainbow Six game rumored for 2025.

    Ubisoft Launches 'Freeze For All' Event on Rainbow Six Siege

    Ubisoft has rolled out its latest holiday event for Rainbow Six Siege, introducing a freshly curated game mode on a redesigned map and a host of exciting rewards. The event, Freeze For All Permafrost, will remain live until January 6th of the upcoming year, revitalizing last year's holiday celebrations with a newly reworked format.

    An All-New Action-Packed Gamemode

    This iteration of the event introduces an 8-player free-for-all mode, a riveting battlespace where players are incentivized to collect "Frozen Souls," bonuses yielded by defeated foes. In a departure from the previous year's edition, the event allows players unlimited respawn possibilities, encouraging a more relentless, aggressive playstyle. The game is fast-paced - the first to accumulate 40 points emerges victorious, whereas, in the instance of reaching the eight-minute time cap, the participant with the highest score gets crowned the winner.

    Arctic Workshop: The Reinvented Event Map

    The Arctic Workshop is a festive-themed arena created for this event, a revival of the Hereford Base map complete with a holiday makeover.

    Rewards Galore this Festive Season

    Ubisoft has not held back on the gifts this festive season. By simply logging in during the event duration, players receive a free cosmetic collection pack, a standard offering for such live-service games.

    Moreover, participants can get their hands on an enhanced Variant bundle for Frost by completing weekly challenges, while the Grim bundle is accessible through Twitch drops. For those feeling slightly more adventurous, the Freeze For All Permafrost collection proffers bundles for seven different operators. New bundles can be discovered by Mika, Finka, and Thermite, while Thorn, Ash, Vigil, and Dokkaebi players can locate enhanced Variants bundles. And what's more, the collection also includes, as one may anticipate, a plethora of skins for drones, weapons, and much more.

    Freeze For All - A Relaxing Affair for Rainbow Six Siege Enthusiasts

    For comprehensive information on all the offerings, Ubisoft's website houses an update post alongside a blog post delving into the intricate details.

    Despite this, seasoned players will find the offerings straightforward for a holiday event. The game mode delivers a familiar, yet fresh free-for-all experience, and skins, of course, need no introduction.

    All in all, the Freeze For All Permafost event proffers a serene and rewarding gaming experience. And fear not, there are more entertaining events on the horizon. There's already brewing speculation around a brand new Rainbow Six game, although fans may need to wait until 2025 to see its debut.

    Image Credit: Ubisoft
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    The Author

    Todd "Uncrowned Guard" Badman is a veteran gamer with a deep passion for PvE shooters and an extensive background in PvP shooters, particularly first-person shooters, which hold a special place in his heart. Todd is dedicated to creating a world where gamers can access the information they need to follow their favorite games in an unbiased and approachable way.

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