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  • Uncrowned Guard
    Uncrowned Guard

    Damascus Camouflage is Back in Modern Warfare 2, But Players Will Have to Pay for It

    It appears that the Damascus camouflage from the original Modern Warfare game will be added to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but players will have to pay for it.

    The Damascus camouflage will reportedly be available in a future cosmetics bundle, which players will have to purchase in order to obtain it. Weapon camos have traditionally been a popular feature in Call of Duty's multiplayer experience, allowing players to showcase their hard-earned cosmetics after a long grind. However, certain camos (including Damacus) have always been linked to challenging achievements and were proud symbols for players to show off.

    According to a leak on Reddit, the Damascus camouflage from the original Modern Warfare game will be available in a future cosmetics bundle for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. This bundle will need to be purchased to obtain the Damascus camouflage, which will only be available as a skin for the Bruen Ops Chimera assault rifle and cannot be applied to other weapons. It is possible that the cosmetics bundle will also include additional weapons with the same skin.

    The news that the Damascus camouflage will only be available in this bundle may disappoint some players, but it could also serve as an alternative way to unlock the Chimera in Modern Warfare 2. In the past, players had to work to unlock camos for each weapon in Call of Duty games, but in Modern Warfare 2, regular camos are universally applicable. Mastery camos, on the other hand, represent the endgame chase and require a significant effort to unlock. It is not yet clear if the Damascus camouflage bundle(s) will only be available for a limited time.

    If the leak on Reddit is accurate, players will not need to search for tips on how to get the Damascus camouflage from the 2019 Modern Warfare game. Instead, they will have a limited time to purchase a bundle containing the Damascus camouflage already applied to particular weapons. There is a chance that this bundle will include the camo for all weapons, but that appears very unlikely and players are understandingly upset that their prized achievements have been turned into a money grab.

    Image Credit: Midjourney
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    I actually enjoyed using tha Damascus camouflage in the original Modern Warfare game. I wouldn't mind paying for it but what would be a problem is how much they might be willing to sell it? 

    If it's set at a price that's justifiable, I'm most likely going to buy it with no complaints at all. 

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