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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. The Forza Horizon Series is hands down the best racing game on Xbox console. I had a very good time playing Forza Horizon 4 but I have been completely blown away by Forza Horizon 5. Which one happens to be your favourite between the two of them?
  2. Yeah, digital games players can't do well as a game collector. Also, they don't have a selling value once you have installed them on your console or PC. Another thing that stops me from getting into collecting games on disc is having to deal with taking care of them to make sure they don't get damaged and I happen to move a lot. It's going to be very challenging.
  3. I stopped playing Fortnite since October last year. I have been meaning to get back into it this year but haven't yet got the time for it. But, I'm working on a schedule that's going to allow me touch some of the good games on my backlog that I have ignored a lot. Do you change your skin in Fortnite a lot?
  4. It's been a very common thing with game's to have a lot of issues with bugs and glitches when they are released and Halo Infinite wasn't an exception to that. I think that all game's developers can never be free from having that in all their games. I haven't seen any game that's released with no bugs/glitches. What matters is how long it takes for them to patch it up.
  5. Heatman

    Your Main

    You're right about that. He's still as good as he was in the original Overwatch. Just like you mentioned, what matters most is how a player likes to play (your gameplan). It determines your gaming approach and that's the biggest way to know if a particular player suits your style or not.
  6. I have seen some gamers that plays most only free game's or games that are sold very cheap. They would never go for any game that's sold above $20. They would rather play the free one's or wait for the game's price to come so down that it might be considered a free game. Personally, I don't mind playing paid games but I have a limit, I won't buy games that's old over $60.
  7. Do you have a fixed budget for your gaming needs every year or do you just spend whenever something that's worth it pops up? I have a friend who spends awfully a lot of money on games every month. He spends more than $1k on Top Eleven Football Manager every month buying the in game cosmetics and players upgrades and I'm sure that he plays and spends on other game's microtransactions. I won't spend more than $500 on games every year unless it's a rare occasion.
  8. Fighting games genre have been growing massively in the video game's industry and also amongst the gamers base. I started enjoying fighting games back in the days on my Sega Genesis. I have played Tekken, Soul Calibur and all the Mortal Kombat games till the last release but at one point my preference shifted to Street Fighter. I can't wait for 2nd June 2023 when Street Fighter 6 will be released.
  9. Some gamers really like and enjoy playing their video games out loud but that's not me. I have learnt to appreciate the game's audio and soundtrack more playing with headset than without it. Also, I get distracted easily, so with the headset on, I'm more focused with the distractions most likely cut out.
  10. Ever since wireless console controllers came into existence, I have played at least 90% of my games with them. It's so easy to play with them because the restrictions we had with weird controllers was completely eliminated. I just kept my wired controllers as a back up in case my wireless controllers died on me or I failed to have it charged. Which one do you like to play with now?
  11. I have never been one for console wars because it doesn't really matter as long as gamers enjoy playing on any particular console they use irrespective of what people say. But that doesn't mean we won't talk about which console one would fancy to play more on and the reasons for it in a good way and not trying to talk down on other consoles. With that being said, let's talk your preference between Playstation and Xbox console.
  12. Simulation video games happens to be one of best relaxing video games anyone can play. I have played so many of them like Animal Crossing : New Horizons, The Sims 4, PowerWash Simulator, Stardew Valley and so much more. But in all of them, my best would be Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Let's hear the one's that's your favorite simulation games.
  13. Personally for me, it's definitely going to be Sekiro : Shadow Die Twice. There's been a lot comparisons between the game and Dark Souls 3 but Sekiro : Shadow Die Twice is more demanding and punishing than Dark Souls 3. Till date, I haven't been able complete the game because of how difficult it is but I'm not giving up on it yet.
  14. Do you like playing Soul's video games? A lot of gamers try to stay away from playing such games because of how difficult and punishing it can be. I can remember years ago the kind of experience I had playing Dark Souls which I had to quit playing it for 4 months before coming back to it. The rate at which I was getting killed was too hard for me to bear. But now, after playing Elden Ring, it's turned out to be my favourite soulsborune game.
  15. The pinnacle of action adventure game's is beating the final bosses. Do you usually find it frustrating and difficult to beat final bosses in such game's if it's what you like to play? If yes, which game's final boss did you beat last?
  16. They did very well with working on making enemies visibility more seen unlike it used to be with the diamond icons. It's a very good upgrade in my opinion and also reducing the footsteps audio of the enemies when they are far away makes more sense. You get to hear footsteps when someone is closer to you and not far away.
  17. The truth of the matter is that I have been expecting this kind of announcement for a while. So, I'm not really surprised with Phil Spencer dropping the update now. The inflation got to just about everything, so this one wouldn't be an exception.
  18. The pandemic of coronavirus did helped in house gaming and gaming companies made so much money because everyone was forced to play more at home. But the offline outdoor aspect of gaming and events was drastically affected. Let's see how this one is going to hold up since it's the first after COVID hit the world till now.
  19. Call of Duty after Vanguard have already started losing active gamers and Microsoft acquisition of Activision Blizzard put everyone on alert. Everyone was worried about them making the game an exclusive but that would have killed the game as they would lose more gamers than ever. It was why Phil Spencer came out to assure gamers COD will be a available on Playstation.
  20. This Tac Sprinting shouldn't have happened with the game but it did and that showed you these developers can be as careless as hell. No one really wanted that especially not in the beginning of the game from the get go.
  21. Even though the game is free to play Activision will always include microtransactions in the game in form of seasonal battle passes and stand-alone cosmetics to support the game and make extra money from it.
  22. OpTic Gaming had already proved in the past they were a force to reckon with. Even with the performance thrown in by Cloud9, I knew they wouldn't beat OpTic. But if they had been able to pull off a victory, we wouldn't hear the last of it 😂
  23. For PC Gamers, it's really a bad thing for them that it's the first time in 5 years they can purchase Call of Duty Game through Steam. But it definitely sucks Playstation 4 and Playstation 5 users to be allowed to disable crossplay and Xbox One, Series X/S as well as PC aren't allowed.
  24. These guys are taking advantage that gamers have started to love their games so much and start going down the path of becoming too greedy with their monetization practices and it's looking like it's going to get aggressive in time to come. Some gamers might end up pulling out of the game.
  25. Gamers do love playing Battle Royale games. One good thing about LoL just like every other Battle Royale games like Fortnite and the rest is that it's free to play. I have been a good fan of the game too.
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