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Everything posted by Excommunicado

  1. I don’t play many simulation games anymore but Sims 4 is always fun to play so I would probably have to choose that.
  2. I’m looking forward to Spider-Man 2. The first two Spider-Man games were great and I will be getting the newest one on day one - hopefully it’s as good as the first two!
  3. I buy it upfront because I’m not a very patient person. There have been times when I’ve regretted it because I ended up not maxing out the pass, but there has also been times when it has motivated me to grind it out.
  4. Do you mean physical video games will be a thing of the past? If so, definitely. Consoles are heading towards the digital direction and will eventually kill off the physical market, similar to how Netflix killed off Blockbuster.
  5. Thanks for sharing. Games are incredibly overpriced nowadays so it’s always nice to save a couple of bucks.
  6. There’s games about COVID? That would be interesting to say the least. Personally I’m trying to forget everything revolving around COVID times. 😛
  7. My brother’s been asking to play this with me but I haven’t got around to it. I’ve only heard great things about so maybe it’s time to finally give it a go.
  8. I’ve got Gran Turismo 7 and it’s a great game. The attention to detail and the driving feels incredible. One thing I would add though is an open world aspect of some capacity, like Forza - it would be a nice gameplay option for casual players instead of always having to ‘race’.
  9. Very cool. I like this a lot. Have you considering posting something similar on TikTok? I know content like this does well on there.
  10. I don’t live stream but networking helps in most professional aspects so I imagine it would help in streaming too. Collaborating with other creators always helps.
  11. A mobile version of GTA V would be cool. I know that there are mobile versions of older GTA games but GTA V would be something else. With advancements and iPhone 15’s gaming capabilities, I wouldn’t be surprised if this came to fruition in the near future.
  12. I agree. But there are very few good paid mobile games, and most games are free, so I’m going to have to pick free mobile games.
  13. Very interesting. I’ve noticed that the option to make purchases using cryptocurrency is becoming more and more common. I don’t think it will affect anything majorly but it’s a nice option to have I suppose.
  14. Are there any good horror movies coming out soon? Would be cool to have a season themed after the movie, like they’ve done with Spider-Man and Deadpool in the past. Epic Games are usually the best at keeping up with trends.
  15. Depends what you count as retro. Pac-Man was fun of course, as was Tetris. Would you count Super Mario as a retro game?
  16. I played PUBG mobile a few years ago. It was, and probably still is, a fun game to play with friends. I just don’t game on my mobile phone as much anymore.
  17. I don't really watch YouTube anymore but there were plenty of great YouTubers I watched back in the day. NickRunsTheFUTMarket is a great FIFA YouTuber, as is Castro, and Ninja on Fortnite was fun to watch back then.
  18. PlayStation 5 FTW. I own a PlayStation 5 and a PC at the moment but I mainly game on my PS5 - it is definitely the best gaming console around.
  19. Sounds exiting. A good handheld console is definitely something I can get behind. I was very disappointed by the PlayStation Portal reveal so let's hope Microsoft won't disappoint.
  20. The last game I played was Red Dead Redemption 2. I've completed over 50% of the story now, loving it so far, and I really want to complete the game soon.
  21. I'm super competitive on online games. Sometimes I try to relax and not care too much whether I/we(family and friends) win or not, but once I get into the game, I have to win, otherwise I will let anyone I am playing with know of my dissatisfaction.
  22. Probably Spider-Man 2 which comes out next month. The first one and Spider-Man: Miles Morales were great, so if it's anything like them, it will definitely be a contender.
  23. You haven't lived life if you haven't played an 18+ game as a kid. It's character building, you have to let nature take its course. I will not be restricting my kids to that extent; of course I will not be exposing them to indecent or inappropriate material but on most games, it is a minimal part of the game.
  24. I will definitely be pre-ordering GTA VI when it is available. I will be there no matter what. It is the most awaited game of the decade and I am super excited to play and create awesome memories.
  25. I forgot to introduce myself, would be rude not to, so here I am. I'm an avid gamer like the rest of you and I'm very happy to be here. See you all around! 🫡
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